Oftentimes, managers give employees feedback that focuses on how the employee can improve or how the manager can help the employee be successful. While those are important conversations, it is equally important to communicate about the areas in which employees are currently succeeding.
Many employers take a no-news-is-good-news approach when it comes to feedback, but employees often see it differently. Studies have shown that employees want to know their work is seen and appreciated. In the absence of this feedback, they can easily withdraw from company culture and may even leave, sometimes with little to no warning.
Companies who are focused on engaging and retaining employees take a more proactive approach to positive communication with employees. Here are some tips for how to do that.
Add structure for positive communication
Managers need to have a structure in place to emphasize employee wins and name the areas in which they are doing great. These conversations should happen regularly, as much as once a week or every other week. Positive communication on a regular basis communicates your attention to their work and opens the door for more conversation.
These conversations need to be with all employees, not just the ones who are struggling. Positive communication is especially important for the top-performing employees who are also a great fit for the company culture. When operating without positive feedback, they can become isolated and feel like their work is underappreciated, which could lead to them seeking another opportunity.
Incorporate it with other touchpoints
When looking at communication and touchpoints with employees, adding yet another regular conversation for every employee can feel overwhelming or too time consuming. Rather than feeling like these need to be separate from already scheduled conversations, simply incorporate positive communications into existing one-on-one discussions.
Inserting positive feedback into a conversation can be as simple as asking employees what they see as their wins for the week. This allows the manager insight into what work they are proud of and provides opportunity to notice that work in the future. Managers can both affirm the win and stack on other items they count as wins.
Don’t let your employees fall into the trap of feeling unnoticed. Take the time to regularly communicate what you see as their best work and let them know you appreciate all they do for your business.