Thoughts on HR

We think, therefore
we (whyH)R.

Thoughts, articles, podcasts, and more from the whyHR team.

We’re constantly thinking, writing, or talking about how to build better workplaces, leaders, and teams. Check out the articles, podcasts, and other resources below, or give us a shout to have a conversation all your own.

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Social Media Policies

We live in an online hyper-connected world where many people put their personal lives on display on social media. Businesses spend time crafting their own social media presence, but what happens when an employee’s social media activities conflict with the values and...

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Finding Consistency in Inconsistent Times

As disruptive and inconsistent as the year 2020 has been for everyone’s schedules, things are about to get even more complicated. As employers, we are still navigating a world of COVID-19 disruptions. While the dust might be settling on some of those new routines, now...

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Compliance Mistakes Are Too Costly to Risk

When you were a kid and messed something up, you could possibly get away with saying, “Oops, I didn’t mean to do that,” or perhaps, “I didn’t know better.” But when it comes to compliance with government regulations, those excuses won’t help you. Compliance with rules...

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Harassment Training: Not Just for the Office

A lot of companies have shifted to more employees working remotely, but just because we’re operating differently doesn’t mean we should get lax about policy. Companies should have policies and procedures in place for safety, discriminatory behavior, and harassment....

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The COVID-19 360 Review

COVID-19 has turned the business world upside down due to shutdowns, phased reopening plans, new sanitation protocols, and trying to accommodate different employee needs in the midst of a pandemic. As with any major shift that occurs in your business, you need to...

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Bridging the Gap for Personal Leave

Your employees have lives outside of work, and sometimes things happen in life. Maybe it’s a personal health challenge or they’re dealing with something in their immediate or extended family. In some cases, an employee who needs to take off work for an extended period...

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When Crisis Becomes an Opportunity to Reflect and Adjust

There are a lot of different types of crisis that a business might face, including everything from weather disasters to data breaches to lawsuits. It’s probably safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic presented a crisis for many businesses in the US and across the...

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The Double-Edged Sword of Company Trips

Can we let you in on a secret? Every single time a client of ours has had a company trip, there’s been a story to tell when they get back. And it’s not usually a good story. Company trips and conferences can be helpful for your business. They can offer valuable...

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Remote Work Culture: Including People Who Aren’t There

Remote work has been a reality for lots of businesses for a long time, but the events of 2020 plunged even more companies into the reality of creating a remote work culture. And some struggled with the transition. But remote work isn’t the first time companies have...

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People Strategy Requires Knowing Your Numbers

People strategy is one of the top places we see businesses get themselves in a bind. All too often when we talk to companies about the issues they’re having, they say they’ve made promises to employees that they can’t fulfill. Or, in some cases, they made those...

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